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Junior Tennis Apprentice



Registration is NOW OPEN!. Registration for more sessions will be offered throughout the year.  Please subscribe to USTA Atlanta's e-newsletter for updates: Sign up for USTA Atlanta's E-Newsletter


Junior Tennis Apprentice is an introductory tennis program designed to teach kids ages 5 & older the basics to start playing tennis!


$59 registration fee includes:


· 1st year Free Junior USTA Membership ($20 value)   

· Free Junior-Sized Tennis Racket ($35 value)

· 6 Hours of Instruction & Coaching from Experienced Professional ($90 value)

· Free Season of Junior Team Tennis ($24 value)


Total Value  $169



Jr Tennis Apprentice Graduates cannot repeat the class.


Questions: or

If you do not see any classes posted or do not see one near you, fill out the waitlist form and get an alert when a new class is posted.



Junior Tennis Apprentice Sessions


Summer Session:

Kennworth TC, (Child Beginners Ages 6-10 Orange Ball) Thursdays 10am - 11am, Starts 6/5 for 6 weeks - Register Here

Kennworth TC, (Youth Beginners Ages 10-12 Green Ball) Thursdays 11am - 12pm, Starts 6/5 for 6 weeks - Register Here

Kennworth TC, (Junior Beginners Ages 13-18 Yellow Ball) Thursdays 12pm - 1pm, Starts 6/5 for 6 weeks - Register Here

Junior Tennis Apprentice 2
*must have taken Tennis Apprentice before

No classes available at this time

Junior Tennis Apprentice 3 (Matchplay Focused)
* Players will be broken up into age groups once registration is completed


Spring Session 2:

Kennworth TC, (TA3 Matchplay Focused, Ages 6 - 18) Fridays 5:30pm - 7pm, Starts 4/11 for 4 weeks - Register Here


Summer Session 1:

Kennworth TC, (TA3 Matchplay Focused, Ages 6 - 18) Fridays 5:30pm - 7pm, Starts 6/6 for 4 weeks - Register Here


Summer Session 2:

Kennworth TC, (TA3 Matchplay Focused, Ages 6 - 18) Fridays 5:30pm - 7pm, Starts 7/11 for 4 weeks - Register Here

Junior Tennis - For a specific club, school or organization
*only those affiliated with this club, school or organization can sign up for this particular class:

Looking for Adult Tennis Apprentice?

Interested in offering Tennis Apprentice at your

Metro Atlanta Tennis Center?

E-mail for more details!

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