Pickleball 101
Pickleball 101
Pickleball 101 is designed to teach adult beginners the basic skills needed to start pickleball! We have teamed up with a number of facilities in the Atlanta area to make learning pickleball convenient and affordable. This program is for beginners who have never played pickleball. The end goal is beginner-level Pickleball League play, the most fun way to make friends, burn calories, and stay active!
Pickleball equipment will be available to borrow at your scheduled class. Thank you to our partners at Wilson Sporting Goods, you will be able to borrow a Wilson paddle during your lessons. After the final lesson Premier Racquet Sports will be providing you with a coupon to purchase your own paddle!
Pickleball sessions will be listed here when they've been scheduled.
Please subscribe to the USTA Atlanta's e-newsletter for updates: Sign up for USTA Atlanta's E-Newsletter
For just $60 participants get:
6 Hours of Instruction & Coaching from Experienced Professional ($90 value)
​Free league fee into beginner Atlanta Team Pickleball or a $35 credit towards StillFire Pickleball League for your first league season!
Discounts at Premier Racquet Sports for a new paddle
You can choose an upcoming session below from the Pickleball Registration Form (at bottom).
Click on "Map" to see each facility's location. Questions: contact amy@ustaatlanta.com
*No refunds issued for Pickleball 101. Your enrollment is a commitment to the class you select.
* This class is not an apprentice class and it does not include USTA membership or tennis league fees.

Pickleball 101
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