2025 Championship Year
An Early Start League is any league that begins in the current calendar year, but is playing for the next championship year. Early Start League Ratings will no longer be published (March and/or August), which means players will always register with their most recent valid computer year-end rating or their current self-rating. Since the “Low” levels are offered in Georgia, we will continue to publish a list of eligible players prior to each Adult 18 & Over league season.
Should you have any further questions about this regulation change, please contact the USTA Georgia office (404-256-9543) and speak with Carolina Kaminski (kaminski@ustageorgia.com).
USTA Atlanta Low Level Eligibility
Any player registering to play on a low level team must first confirm their eligibility prior to registering for the team.
Players will not receive a refund if they register for a team in which they are not eligible to play. TennisLink does not prevent illegal players from registering to low level teams.
USTA Atlanta does weekly checks for player eligibility prior to the season starting and after the season begins; however, it is ultimately the player's and captain's responsibility to ensure eligibility prior to registering to a low level team.